To quote from the 'Relationships' section of the DX3 developer's guide:
Start with
'Start with' defines the way in which a user interacts with an object. It is not always the case that you want a user to have to click an object to activate it. In addition to the standard 'Default' option, you have four more ways in which a user can interact with the object. Sometimes for example you may simply want the user to move over an object for something to occur.
The problem is on DesktopX 3.10.002 (I've tried standard and Pro) as installed on my machine (I uninstalled and did a fresh install) the Default option under 'Start With' on the Relation tab is absent. The only four choices are Single Click, Double Click, Mouse over, and Mouse down.
This means that anyone who had their default Start With method set to Double Click will find that when they import objects and widgets (that were saved with a Start With setting of Default) that those objects now function differently/improperly. Object that used to activate with a double-click now activate with a single-click.
Also, the options to set defaults such as Activation and Start with are MISSING from the new Configure DesktopX Preferences tab.
Because these issues contradict the Developer's Guide, I assume it is a bug and not functionality that has been removed without notice. Can anyone shed some light on this? I always built objects with "Default" settings because I liked to respect the users preferences, and these are malfunctioning under the new DX because of this issue.